Molesey Hospital
Molesey Hospital provides 24 hour nursing care for people needing rehabilition.
Welcome to Molesey Hospital
The aim at Molesey Hospital is to help patients return to living independently, or with care or other support.
Care can include rehabilitation, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy, as well as nursing care, such as pain control, wound care and continence assessment. We have close links with other services, such as social care and District Nursing and Community Matron teams, to ensure that care continues after discharge.
We also provide care for people at the end of their lives, allowing patients to be cared for in their local community hospital, if that is where they choose to be.
We provide single sex accommodation, including separate bathroom and toilet facilities for our male and female patients.
The outpatient services include Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, who accepts referrals from GPs.
Visiting times
Visiting is from 9am-8pm daily, though we do ask visitors to avoid protected meal times between 5pm-6pm.
If your family are unable to visit during these times, please speak to the nurse in charge to make alternative arrangements.
It may be possible for your family or friends to take you away from the ward, but this needs to be planned in advance, with the doctor’s permission. Please inform the nursing staff in advance if you wish to do this.
Services available at this location
- Rapid Response Team.
- Community hospital.
- Community matrons.
- Physiotherapy.
- Continence service - adults.