Local community partners supporting wellness: Hearing the young people of Preston – Drop in Football sessions
One neighbourhood initiative supported through Pulling Together, focuses on the young people of Preston, delivered in the form of free afterschool football drop-in sessions with Tadworth Football Club.
Our short film begins with a local police officer explaining how young people were regularly breaking into Tadworth gym’s football pitches. In response, local community development officers engaged with young people and their parents, establishing that they ‘just wanted to play football’.
Costs can be a barrier for young people being able to participate in sports.
Steve Boeje, Football Coach
Recognising that cost is often a barrier for young people being able to participate in sports, offering free football drop-in sessions could make a huge difference and fix the gym’s break-in problem.
Since introducing these sessions, Tadworth’s young people can leave their consoles at home and get outside. Young coach, Lorcan, shares the value placed on the drop-in sessions, describing them as a ‘pressure free’ place to enjoy football and meet new people.
The sessions have helped improved relationships between community police and residents, with a notable drop in anti-social behaviour in the area.
The impact of the football club is stark, extending further than the Tadworth Football Pitch, and this demonstrates the amazing impact a small group of individuals can make in their local communities.
Find out more about the Pulling Together Programme.