Heart failure service
We are a nursing team specialising in the assessment, treatment and education of patients with confirmed diagnosis of heart failure, their families and their carers. We liaise with your GP and, if appropriate, the cardiologist involved in your care.
Service overview
The Heart failure service aims to provide evidence based treatment for patients with a confirmed diagnosis of heart failure.
This includes monitoring of the condition, behavioural modification, health promotion, specialist care to improve quality of life by slowing disease progression and improving symptoms to reduce mortality, preventing re-admission to hospital and improving palliative care provisions for patients and carers.
To provide evidence based treatment and implement best practice for patients with heart failure by taking an active role in titration of heart failure medication to optimum doses and by providing education and support for other healthcare professionals involved in the care of these patients to share their expertise.
Who can access this service?
This service is available for patients who:
- Are over 18 years of age
- Are registered with a Surrey Downs GP
- Have a confirmed diagnosis of heart failure
- Can provide an Echocardiogram report at time of referral.
Who may be involved in patient care?
A team of heart failure nurse specialists will be involved in patient care.
Is patient self-referral available?
Patients can self-refer if they have previously been treated by the team in the last 12 months.
For new patients, any member of the health care team can refer you. This includes your practice nurse, district nurse, GP and/or social worker. All referrals will be assessed to ensure they meet our service criteria and establish if other services are more appropriate to meet your needs.
Is transport provided to clincis?
No, patients will need to provide their own transport to clinics.
Are home visits available?
Yes, home visits are available for patients who meet the relevant criteria. For more information about home visits, please contact the team on the details below.
What can I expect from the service?
We run clinics in
- Leatherhead Community Hospital
- Molesey Community Hospital
- Bourne Hall, Ewell.
We provide individualised care and work with you to develop a management plan. This includes optimising medical therapy to try and improve your quality of life and help reduce or prevent admission to hospital.
The patient assessment
Your allocated Heart Failure Specialist Nurse will:
- Take a detailed history of your condition
- Ask you about your symptoms and how these affect your everyday life
- Discuss your medications with you
- Listen to your chest on each visit and record your blood pressure and pulse
- Advise you if you need to have some blood tests done
- Inform your GP of any recommended changes to your treatment.
Following the outcome of your assessment, you may be given:
- New treatment/advice on medication
- Advice on how to manage your activities of daily living
- Education and self-management techniques.
What does the service expect from me?
We like to work with the patient to achieve agreed goals and encourage you to self-manage.
We expect patients to attend all appointments as our service must adhere to our current Access policy [pdf] 866KB.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact the administration centre on the number provided below.
Telephone: 020 8296 4488 (press Option 1)