
Bladder, Bowel and Pelvic Health service

This webpage contains information on Bladder, Bowel and Pelvic Health Referral Criteria.

Service overview

Bladder and bowel problems are common and in most cases treatable. 

Incontinence is a symptom not a disease and has many possible causes as well as being only one of a range of other bladder or bowel symptoms.

Continence Pad products are considered as the last option as there are other incontinence aids available. Pads will not be supplied before a patient has undergone a comprehensive clinic assessment. Surrey Downs health and Care will provide a maximum of 4 pads per 24 hours as a contribution and based upon the patients clinical needs.

We have a small formulary of products provided which covers all clinical needs, copy can be provided upon request.

Please note:

  • We are not an Emergency Service and operate Monday –Friday (excluding bank holidays).
  • Patients will be encouraged to self-fund absorbent pads until a clinical assessment has taken place
  • Sample Products are no longer available.

Who can access this service?

  • Patients over 18 years old.
  • Patients registered with a Surrey Downs GP.

Exclusion criteria:

  • Patients under 18 years of age.
  • Patients with mild urinary incontinence.

The patient assessment

  • All patients will need to compete a Bladder/Bowel diary (please bring with you a minimum of three days evidence to your appointment).
  • Take a detailed history of your condition.
  • Ask you about your symptoms and how these affect your everyday life.
  • Discuss your medications with you.
  • Work through a detailed plan going forward.
  • You may be asked to provide a urine sample or undergo a bladder scan.

More information on the Bladder, Bowel and Pelvic Health service

The Surrey Downs Health and Care Bladder, Bowel and Pelvic Health (BBPH) service cares for all in the community throughout the Surrey Downs area, working in collaboration with the primary care networks (PCNs).

The BBPH Service is a friendly, approachable highly experienced team working with years of experience working in the NHS:

  • We ensure that the care provided is delivered to a high standard, research and evidence based.
  • We aim to work towards an improved care journey for our Surrey Downs patients experiencing continence issues.
  • We are working towards environmental and financial stability and the service manages supply and delivery. Did you know each used continence pad takes 500 years to decompose?
  • We treat all patients and clinicians with respect, dignity and awareness of the diverse communities we serve.

We visit patients in nursing and residential homes in Surrey Downs location.

We also run Outpatients clinics at Leatherhead Community Hospital, Molesey Community Hospital and Bourne Hall Health Centre.

What is expected from me if I am in receipt of continence products?

What does the service expect from me if I am in receipt of continence products?

  • Deliveries cannot be bought forward.
  • Patient must activate their next order via Tena direct.
  • Inconsistent ordering of products will result in removal from tena either by Surrey Downs Health and Care or Tena.
  • Patients will have annual reviews for re assessments to take place.